Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de judge

to judgejuzgar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I judgeyo juzgo
you judgetú juzgas
he judgesél juzga
she judgesella juzga
we judgenosotros juzgamos
you judgevosotros juzgáis
they judgeellos juzgan
they judgeellas juzgan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I judgedyo juzgué
you judgedtú juzgaste
he judgedél juzgó
she judgedella juzgó
we judgednosotros juzgamos
you judgedvosotros juzgasteis
they judgedellos juzgaron
they judgedellas juzgaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have judgedyo he juzgado
you have judgedtú has juzgado
he has judgedél ha juzgado
she has judgedella ha juzgado
we have judgednosotros hemos juzgado
you have judgedvosotros habéis juzgado
they have judgedellos han juzgado
they have judgedellas han juzgado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had judgedyo había juzgado
you had judgedtú habías juzgado
he had judgedél había juzgado
she had judgedella había juzgado
we had judgednosotros habíamos juzgado
you had judgedvosotros habíais juzgado
they had judgedellos habían juzgado
they had judgedellas habían juzgado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will judgeyo juzgaré
you will judgetú juzgarás
he will judgeél juzgará
she will judgeella juzgará
we will judgenosotros juzgaremos
you will judgevosotros juzgaréis
they will judgeellos juzgarán
they will judgeellas juzgarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have judgedyo habré juzgado
you will have judgedtú habrás juzgado
he will have judgedél habrá juzgado
she will have judgedella habrá juzgado
we will have judgednosotros habremos juzgado
you will have judgedvosotros habréis juzgado
they will have judgedellos habrán juzgado
they will have judgedellas habrán juzgado

I would judgeyo juzgaría
you would judgetú juzgarías
he would judgeél juzgaría
she would judgeella juzgaría
we would judgenosotros juzgaríamos
you would judgevosotros juzgaríais
they would judgeellos juzgarían
they would judgeellas juzgarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have judgedyo habría juzgado
you would have judgedtú habrías juzgado
he would have judgedél habría juzgado
she would have judgedella habría juzgado
we would have judgednosotros habríamos juzgado
you would have judgedvosotros habríais juzgado
they would have judgedellos habrían juzgado
they would have judgedellas habrían juzgado

Participio presenteAnotado
judging juzgando

Participio pasadoAnotado
judged juzgado

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